About Us

Why are Our Devices Better than Theirs?

Now, there are plenty of devices available and sellers claiming to be the best. We at noahvoltmodz get messages always asking what makes us or our products better than the next guys. The truth is, We and our devices are simply outstanding! We have excellent modification information and customer service! We have also spent over 2 decades following the computer and program/tech modding industry. 

With our product you're not just buying our heavenly little gizmo or gadget, you're also buying us. You're buying the best of the best! You're buying a small piece of a big dream that you can live RIGHT NOW! You're purchasing the opportunity to own a little slice of heaven and no longer be a slave to regular programming schedules but watching what you want and when you want it! Isn't it about time you have your cake and eat it too? But i know, at the end of the day you want to ask, "What's gonna be my biggest drawback, my biggest problem?" I'll tell you right now. IF you find the time in your busy entertainment-filled day to wonder, the biggest problem you're going to run into with OUR product is wishing you would've bought two!


Tap/Click to read our Fire Device's OUTSTANDING eBay REVIEWS!



Why should you buy from us?

Doing business with us not only gets you an utterly FANTASTIC product that constantly stays up-to-date, but it also gets you a friend. A constant connection with an ally. A helping hand when you don't understand how something is working and you need some help to figure it out.

We believe in the saying "Quality over Quantity". Not only do we want our customers to have the BEST possible product and experience possible, but most of all, we want them to STAY HAPPY with their Purchase. Other sellers may claim to have the best device but offer to sell subpar products, which are on their way to being discontinued. (ex. the 1080p stick).

Apps Update, Updates are created on and FOR newer devices. If you want your Fire Stick to Last for Years ahead instead of Months, BUY FROM US and go 4K. (It's still 1080p and 720p compatible, Just MUCH FASTER.)

We at noahvoltmodz completely understand computers, networking, and programming. Which is why we offer no more than the Apps we Pre-Install. By conscientiously preventing the risk of "Overloading", we leave the User Plenty of space to install their own apps as well as keeping resources free for the Firestick's Computer System. Keeping it Fast for Years to come. :D


YOU are the TOP Priority and THIS is the TOP-SHELF PRODUCT!

Your faith in noahvoltmodz is what keeps this system alive!


WE are a Family. CUT THE CORD!